Gord Barentsen, BA Hons. (York), MA (York), Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario)
As a first-year undergraduate I knew I wanted to be in English graduate studies. There's something about being absorbed in a book that opens the mind to unthought possibilities, but which can also make you revisit what you thought you knew and think about it differently. Gradually, your mind stretches and grows to accomodate these new ideas; it learns to move around and through them, and soon those ideas quietly become part of who you are — part of how you respond to and engage with the world. Whether you or the people around you know it or not, those ideas are always operating in the background. Become conscious of them and learn how to use them and you can enrich your life experience and the experiences of those around you. Sometimes, even in the most inconsequential, mundane and everyday thing it's possible to see something that compels you to think differently, even if just for a moment. That is my experience of reading.
As the owner of LiquidFractal, I now have the opportunity to share this experience with new generations of students. LiquidFractal has been, and continues to be, a profoundly creative project for me: it's a platform for my professional services, but it's also the vehicle for my unique vision of what open learning should be — a combination of sophistication and an entertaining and engaging social sphere.
So for those of you who might want to see credentials and experience, or who just want to know a bit more about me, here it is.
== Academic ==
Ph.D., English (The University of Western Ontario)
Thesis title: "Romantic Metasubjectivity: Rethinking the Romantic Subject Through Schelling and Jung"
Supervisors: Tilottama Rajan, Joel Faflak
MA, Interdisciplinary Studies (York University)
Thesis title: "Where is the Anti-Nowhere League? English Romanticism and Punk Subculture"
Supervisors: Ian Balfour, Rob Bowman, Elizabeth Seaton
BA, Hons. Dbl. Maj., English & Humanities (York University)
Graduated magna cum laude
Awarded Arthur Haberman Award in History & Humanities
Dean's Honour Roll
=== Fields of Interest ===
English and German Romanticism (philosophy and literature); psychoanalysis (Freud, Jung, Lacan); Speculative Realism; theories of the self/subject; theory and criticism; TV and film
=== Scholarships, Awards & Recognitions ===
2013 |
Barbara McGraw Graduate Scholarship, The University of Western Ontario |
2012 |
Mary Routledge Fellowship, The University of Western Ontario |
2012 |
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, The University of Western Ontario |
2010 |
Graduate Student Teaching Award, The University of Western Ontario (nominated) |
2009 |
Nineteenth-Century Literature written and oral examination, passed with distinction (PWD) |
2008 |
Dean's Entrance Scholarship, The University of Western Ontario |
=== Selected Publications ===
Barentsen, Gord. Romantic Metasubjectivity Through Schelling and Jung: Rethinking the Romantic Subject (Routledge, 2020)
Barentsen, Gord. “A Whole Made of Holes: Interrogating Holism via Jung and Schelling,” in Holism: Possibilities and Problems, ed. Christian Macmillan, Roderick Main, and David Henderson (Routledge, 2020).
Barentsen, Gord. "Schelling's Dark Nature and the Prospects for 'Ecological Civilisation'." Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 15.1 (2019): 91-116.
- Barentsen, Gord. “Silent Partnerships: Schelling, Jung, and the Romantic Metasubject.” Special Issue: “Schelling After Theory,” ed. Tilottama Rajan and Sean McGrath, Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 19.1 (2015), pp. 67-79. (refereed)
Barentsen, Gord. “Introduction.” A Language Spoken in Tongues: Essays on the Transcultural Gothic. Ed. Gord Barentsen. Rodopi/Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012, pp. vii-xvi. (refereed)
Barentsen, Gord. “Freud, Jung, and the Dangerous Supplement to Psychoanalysis.” Mosaic 44.4 (December 2011), pp. 195-211. (refereed)
=== Recent Presentations ===
“Schelling’s Dark Nature and the Prospects of ‘Ecological Civilisation’.” Complex Processes Research Group, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2 May 2018, 12:30-1:30pm.
“A Whole Made of Holes: Interrogating Holism via Jung and Schelling.” One World: Logical and Ethical Implications of Holism, an AHRC funded conference at the Dept. of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 8-10 Sept. 2017.
“Silent Partnerships: Schelling, Jung and the Romantic Metasubject.” Futures of Schelling: The Second Conference of the North American Schelling Society, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 29 August – 1 September, 2013.
“Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age: E/Merging Reading, Writing, and Research Practices.” (with Paul Werstine) INKE 2012 Birds-of-a-Feather Gathering, Hotel Parque Central, Havana, Cuba, 12 December 2012.
“Schelling, Jung and the Critique of Interiority.” The First Conference of the International Society for Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority (ISPDI), Crown Plaza Hotel, Berlin, Germany, 23-25 July, 2012.
“Coding Digital Texts in TEI-Compliant XML, Case Study: The Folger Shakespeare Library Edition of Troilus and Cressida.” The Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2012 Colloquium, University of Victoria, 5-8 June 2012.
“Metasubjectivity in Schelling and Jung.” Romanticism and Evolution: A Romanticism Research Group International Conference. Windermere Manor, University of Western Ontario, 12-14 May 2011. (solicited)
- “Freud, Jung and the Dangerous Supplement to Psychoanalysis.” Freud After Derrida. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, University of Manitoba, 6-9 Oct 2010.
=== Selected Academic Employment ===
2018 - present | Learning Advisor, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University). I mentor a very culturally diverse student body concerning everything from essay writing and critical thinking to grammar and vocabulary. I use contemporary pedagogical approaches to aid students in completing multimodal projects (written, spoken, presented, multimedia) and track student progress in an administrative database. |
2014 |
Editorial Assistant for a special edition of Symposium: The Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, ed. Tilottama Rajan and Sean McGrath (2015) and William Godwin, Mandeville, ed. Tilottama Rajan (Peterborough: Broadview, 2015). Responsible for proofreading, image management, formatting, copyediting |
2013 |
Course Director for "The History of Criticism and Theory," a full-year, full-credit undergraduate English course at the University of Western Ontario. Full responsibilities for grading, lecturing, managing online LMS components |
2010-2013 |
Research Assistant in the Textual Studies Group of Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE), funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)'s Major Collaborative Initiatives program. Responsible for coding TEI-compliant XML of Troilus & Cressida for the New Shakespeare Variorum under the supervision of Prof. Paul Werstine; presented a case study at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI), University of Victoria, British Columbia, 2012. |
2010-2011 | Teaching Assistant for two half-year undergraduate English courses, "The History of Criticism and Theory" and Contemporary Theory and Criticism," at the University of Western Ontario. Responsible for delivering two guest lectures and managing online LMS components |
2009-2010 | Teaching Assistant for a full-year undergraduate English course, "Modern Drama: The Activist Stage," at the University of Western Ontario. Responsible for delivering a guest lecture, grading, mentoring creative and theoretical course aspects as well as online LMS component. Nominated, Graduate Teaching Award |
== Non-Academic ⁄ Professional ==
2002-present |
Senior Production Writer and Instructional Designer, Nevada Learning Series. Responsibilities include conceiving, writing, proofreading, and revising software reference guides used by Fortune 500 companies, corporations, and North American government agencies. |
== Other Qualifications and Credentials ==
Current Working With Children E (WWC-E) Check
Founding Member, North American Schelling Society (NASS)
== Interests & Hobbies ==
Reading, writing, travelling, photography (much of the photography on this site is my own).
== Travelling ==
In the early 2000s I embarked on a six-year backpacking journey around several parts of the world. The countries I have visited, in no particular order: India, Ireland, France, England, Germany, Syria, Switzerland, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, South Africa, Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, China, Mongolia, Singapore.