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Liquidfractal news and developments, as well as periodic updates on scholarly research (invited talks, publications, etc).  You can also find tips on how to use site features.

Entries in this blog:

At long last...Romantic Metasubjectivity!

This is embarrassingly late, and my only excuse is that I've been caught up with reading for the next project and dealing with COVID-related issues (restrictions - not sickness, thankfully! 😶). But Romantic Metasubjectivity Through Schelling and Jung: Rethinking the Romantic Subject (Routledge, 2020) came out May-June of this year.  Propaganda material below! Here's a link to the book on Routledge: Romantic Metasubjectivity Through Schelling and Jung: Rethin

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen in Breaking News

Cosmos and History paper published

Hello, I have had a paper recently published in Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy! The full citation: Gord Barentsen, "Schelling's Dark Nature and the Prospects for 'Ecological Civilisation'," Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 15.1 (2019): 91-116. It's open access, so I've included the PDF for anyone interested. Cosmos and History   Barentsen, Schelling's Dark Nature and the Prospects for 'Ecological C

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

LiquidFractal Public Humanities

Well...in and amidst preparing chapters for publication, reading, research, and squeezing a couple of new Tutor Clients in to the mix, I'm pleased to announce something I've wanted to add to the community for some time now - the LiquidFractal Public Humanities Initiative! The PHI is designed to bridge the stereotypical gap between scholarly research and what some people still so quaintly call (in the age of Trump!) "the real world."  Articles in Public Humanities are meant to showcase resea

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

Romantic Metasubjectivity to be published by Routledge

Hi everyone, The contract is signed so it's official - Romantic Metasubjectivity: Rethinking the Romantic Subject through Schelling and Jung will be published in Routledge's Philosophy and Psychoanalysis series, edited by Jon Mills! Book revisions are underway and with luck it should be published next year. Huzzah!  

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

a publishing year ahead!

Hello everyone, I've been busy behind the scenes updating the website software (with all the rigamarole that involves), but wanted to post some sort of an update as to what will be going on this year. I've been invited to contribute a Psychology chapter to the upcoming Palgrave-Macmillan Handbook of German Idealism and Poststructuralism!  This text will be coming out some time next year, so this year a lot of time will be spent reading and researching before I begin writing.  I'll post

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

Season's greetings, oh-so-brief updates and all that

Maintaining a website isn't all the fame and glory it's made out to be. 🤔  Updates, troubleshooting, and server migrations - not to mention work assignments, tutoring, and research - have kept me quite busy for the past while, so apologies for not writing here sooner. In the holiday season blogs are pretty much the last thing on people's minds, but I wanted to post some brief updates.  First of all, congratulations to Keigan for scoring in the 95.5th percentile on his STAT exam!  I wish I c

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

LiquidFractal welcomes the CPRG!

Hello, LiquidFractal is pleased to welcome the Complex Processes Research Group, based in Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia! The CPRG is a reading and research group centered around the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Peirce, but the intellectual history of process philosophy extends further back to Friedrich Schelling as perhaps the first process philosopher.  Process philosophy essentially emphasises becoming and unfolding over rigid, static paradigm

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

talk at Swinburne's Complex Processes Research Group (CPRG)

Hello all, I've been invited to give a one-hour talk at the Complex Processes Research Group (CPRG) at Swinburne University in Melbourne.  The present theme for talks is, broadly speaking, "neoliberalism and the environment."  I've included the abstract from Dr. Arran Gare's inaugural talk to give a sense of what issues are being discussed. My talk, which will involve Schelling's Naturphilosophie and its possible relations to a critique of neoliberalism, is slated for 2 May.  I'll po

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

Hosted Space: "Schelling and 'Philosophical Psychology'"

Hello, I'm pleased to announce that LiquidFractal, with the permission of the MSCP, is hosting the online space for  "Schelling and 'Philosophical Psychology'," a summer course lasting from Jan-Feb 2018 and run through the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy. You can get to it in the SPACES menu above, but only registered members can access its content.  If you're interested in enrolling for this or any other course offered by the MSCP, please visit their website here: Melbourne

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

LiquidFractal in the new year

Hi everyone, It's official - LiquidFractal's new...iteration?  manifestation?  representation? - will be going live January 1, 2018! Of course, the site's public areas and forums chatter have been around for ages and will still be there.  But in the new year I hope to have everything else in place: tutoring rates, information on contract editing/proofreading/technical writing work, as well as the storefront. I will also be introducing a Referrals program.  So if you're a client (t

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

Introducing LF_Magnum!

Hello again, So all of you will have noticed the changes I've made to the site as I prepare to push it forward into "live"ness.  The most obvious of these changes is the new default site theme, LF_Magnum,[1] which will quite possibly replace the existing themes. LF_Magnum has a lot of eye-catching features and makes very good use of the real estate on a given page to provide easy access to social media buttons.  Some of you have mentioned that you really like the idea of a sticky heade

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

page formatting in new themes

Hello all, Since this site will be "officially" going live in the next while, I wanted to draw your attention to some coding-related issues which affect how the two newer themes (Dashboard, Chameleon) display. In short, you will see the odd part of a webpage which seems to have no background, where the text at times can be very difficult to read against the static background graphics.  This apparently has to do with the way certain blocks of code were formatted in Invision's CSS, and I

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

New: Sticky Notes!

Hi everyone, Introducing Sticky Notes - an eye-catching way of making Members aware of new developments on the site, whether it's scheduling notifications for Tutor Clients, downtime for the site, or contests for you to win stuff!  I felt this might be a better alternative to the Announcements window at times, which should really stand out a bit more so that people notice it as soon as they splash down on the main page.  Sticky Notes are much more noticeable! Sticky Notes will appear p

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

New: Member Map

Hi everyone, It's been online for a little while now (as some of you have noticed), but I thought I'd introduce the new Member Map, accessible from the Resources tab in the main menu.  Basically, it allows you to show people where you are and provides a geographic distribution of members.  Let's make it as global as possible! A couple of brief points: Participation in the Map is entirely optional.  Putting your location on the Map can help you connect with other people near you

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

Themes and browser compatibility

Hi everyone, I thought I'd head this issue off at the pass before anyone else noticed it. The short version: Internet Explorer and Edge are not recommended for use with the new themes (Chameleon and Dashboard). The slightly longer version: Chameleon and Dashboard use the latest CSS and browser technology to provide the best visual experience possible.  In its time-honoured tradition of adhering to its own insular version of the Internet, Microsoft insists on doing things different

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

LiquidFractal: the Upgrade!

Hello, At long last, the software upgrade has arrived!  A couple of you may already have noticed some of the significant changes to the site, but let me shortlist some of the really cool changes: Spaces - unlike Domains (which are more research intensive), Spaces are more open-ended and social subgroups on the site.  As promised, we now have the official Zombie Apocalypse Space for all your post-respiratory needs .  I've also created a VIP space, which is for the veterans and those w

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

new theme: Dashboard

Hi everyone, I'd like to introduce a new theme, available from the Themes menu at the bottom of the site main page: LF_Dashboard! It has a side menu - a bit different from what we've seen so far, but I hope you all like it!  Please feel free to test drive it and let me know what you think in the Suggestions forum.  

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

new theme: Chameleon

Hello, Just taking this opportunity to introduce a new LiquidFractal site theme: LF_Chameleon!  Please let me know what you think of it here, or in the Suggestions forum. This theme does require a little more in terms of graphics hardware, given that it's quite image-rich and involved static backgrounds - you might notice a bit of lag if you're using a smaller laptop (like an HP Stream or other low-end portable machine), or a machine that doesn't have dedicated graphics memory.  But fo

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

Tutor Clients resources moved

Just a note to let all Tutor Clients know that they no longer have Forums where they previously were.  Instead, all Tutor Clients have their assets and accounts moved to private Domains in the new Domains section of the website. All of you should now have correct access; if you can't get into your areas, please PM me.  Thanks!

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

coming developments

Hi everyone, I hope everyone is well.  Just to let you know, there will be several exciting developments in the site software in the coming months.  There will be a major software upgrade which will make the site experience a lot slicker, and which will add several new features to the main site to make gallery media easier to browse, Also, an update specifically for Tutoring Clients: I'm installing comprehensive new collaborative software which will see your material shifted into priva

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

recent downtime

Hi everyone, My apologies for the site's downtime - I was switching over the database language from mySQL to MariaDB, and a minor software upgrade caused a bit of a crash.  Nothing too dire, as you can see. In other news, I am going to add a significant new feature to the site in the next couple of days...hope you like it!  

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

mail.com is not allowed for registration

Hello, My apologies to anyone who might be looking to register on the site, but email addresses with mail.com will not be allowed on the site, as their servers are set up to automatically reject SMTP emails, which is what this server uses.  So Members or Tutor Clients with mail.com email addresses wouldn't be able to receive any notifications or updates via email. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it's easy enough to get an email account with Outlook or Gmail.

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

major PHP upgrade

Hi everybody, I know that with the hot weather coming those of you in the Melbourne area will have nothing more important to do than converse on the site (!), but this is just to let you know that I'll be upgrading PHP on the site in the near future, so there may be some brief downtime and/or delayed page responses.  

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

securing the site

Hi everyone, I have recently switched LiquidFractal over from a normal http connection to a secured https connection. There are several reasons for this.  Recent web trends are shifting toward all websites securing themselves as much as possible.  I've read that Google is taking this route, and that future updates of Google will warn users whenever they are accessing an insecure website (e.g., a website which uses a normal http connection).  While it doesn't affect the site's operation

Gord Barentsen

Gord Barentsen

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