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New: Member Map

Hi everyone,

It's been online for a little while now (as some of you have noticed), but I thought I'd introduce the new Member Map, accessible from the Resources tab in the main menu.  Basically, it allows you to show people where you are and provides a geographic distribution of members.  Let's make it as global as possible!

A couple of brief points:

  1. Participation in the Map is entirely optional.  Putting your location on the Map can help you connect with other people near you (or who are in places you might want to go someday), but you're under no obligation to do so.
  2. Do not provide your full address unless you want it to be made public!  You can either give Maps your current location or enter your detailed address information.  Enter your home address if you want, but it will be visible to anyone (bot or human) who browses the site.  So if you live in Melbourne, simply entering "Melbourne" or a related option from the dynamic menu is fine and will preserve your privacy.


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Gord Barentsen


I forgot to add: if you like, you can update your current location to let people know where you are.  Simply change your location back once you get home.  I'm at the University of Essex right now, so I've revised my current location on the Map. :)

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