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Introducing LF_Magnum!

Hello again,

So all of you will have noticed the changes I've made to the site as I prepare to push it forward into "live"ness.  The most obvious of these changes is the new default site theme, LF_Magnum,[1] which will quite possibly replace the existing themes.

LF_Magnum has a lot of eye-catching features and makes very good use of the real estate on a given page to provide easy access to social media buttons.  Some of you have mentioned that you really like the idea of a sticky header (the top menu that stays at the top as you scroll down a page), so I kept that in mind when selecting a new default theme.  Of course, there is also the marquee, which will contain breaking news about site developments and links to other information.

I hope you all like it as much as I do - tweaking this theme has been a very nice creative exercise for me. :)

As always, please post in the Suggestions forum or get in touch with me if you have comments, opinions, or suggestions of any kind.


  1. ^ If you're wondering about the name, "Magnum" is the original name given it by its developer.  I've just kept it because I can't think of anything else right now!


Recommended Comments

Graham Barnett


I. love. the new skin.  it's totally transformed your site mate


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yeah you know you should really be commended on all the work you've put in to this site.. 

Maybe i said this before but months ago it was an academic nerd site...now it's a full-on professional looking website but it hasn't lost the academic nerdiness that I like about it.  Good show :)

  • Thanks 1
Gord Barentsen


Thanks @stimmung79!  I'm glad the changes are getting positive reviews.

Lots more to do, but I hope to be posting more material in the near future.

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