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a publishing year ahead!

Hello everyone,

I've been busy behind the scenes updating the website software (with all the rigamarole that involves), but wanted to post some sort of an update as to what will be going on this year.

I've been invited to contribute a Psychology chapter to the upcoming Palgrave-Macmillan Handbook of German Idealism and Poststructuralism!  This text will be coming out some time next year, so this year a lot of time will be spent reading and researching before I begin writing.  I'll post updates as I go for those of you who are interested.

Romantic Metasubjectivity has also been submitted to Routledge for publication!  Well, almost...the wheels of academic turn slowly indeed so it's still being considered by the publisher, but I have a solid endorsement from key Schellingians in the field and the editor of Routledge's Philosophy and Psychoanalysis series, so here's hoping it's just a matter of dotting the Is and crossing the Ts until a contract is formally offered.

Apart from that, I have an article waiting to be revised and several other books waiting to be read...and Hegel.  Hegel is always here....now I know what they mean when they refer to "The Spectre of Hegel." 😀

Hope this update finds everyone well.  More as it happens!

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that's great news....congrats! 👍

The book chapter sounds particularly interesting.  Can you say something more about it?  I know Sartre has a volume on "Existential Psychology" so I wonder if your material has any bearing on how psychology relates more broadly to existentialism (or existential issues in general).

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Brilliant news.  Why aren't you posting some of your research here?  Not to rip off your publishers of course, but maybe give people a taste of what you do.

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Well aren't you just the popular book nerd these days?

stressed homer simpson GIF

  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 1


On 3/21/2019 at 12:16 PM, estranger. said:

that's great news....congrats! 👍

The book chapter sounds particularly interesting.  Can you say something more about it?  I know Sartre has a volume on "Existential Psychology" so I wonder if your material has any bearing on how psychology relates more broadly to existentialism (or existential issues in general).

yeah id lke to know more about the psych. chapter too. is it social psych or something?

Gord Barentsen


Yeah I'd like to get some stuff going but for now I'm frantically revising chapers for submission to Routledge.  Once they're in it gets the ball rolling on their end and I'll have some breathing room.

As for the Psych chapter, I can't say much right now...don't even know what it's going to be called.  Probably something adventurous like, I dunno...."Psyche"? 


  • Facepalm 1

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