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LiquidFractal Public Humanities

Well...in and amidst preparing chapters for publication, reading, research, and squeezing a couple of new Tutor Clients in to the mix, I'm pleased to announce something I've wanted to add to the community for some time now - the LiquidFractal Public Humanities Initiative!

The PHI is designed to bridge the stereotypical gap between scholarly research and what some people still so quaintly call (in the age of Trump!) "the real world."  Articles in Public Humanities are meant to showcase research and deepen understanding of philosophical issues in ways which resonate with people inside and outside the academy.

Open Learning is all about breaking down these faux boundaries and making knowledge available to everyone, but this doesn't mean commodifying ideas and watering them down to make them more "marketable" or "palatable."  So even if there are philosophical concepts and technical jargon, the idea is for both sides of the divide to talk to each other and ask questions.

You can access the Public Humanities area off the Content option in the top menu, or if you're lazy like me and just want a link....


The first PHI contribution is a shortened, abbreviated version of an article due for publication in Cosmos and History.  It focuses on Schelling's idea of Nature and the implications it has for the notion of an "ecological civilisation," which is seen as a counterbalance to the neoliberalist objectification and plundering of the environment.  Other articles may well be more informal in nature; the idea is to present a varied and organic selection of thinking and scholarship.

Enjoy, and as always post your suggestions and ideas!


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