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securing the site

Hi everyone,

I have recently switched LiquidFractal over from a normal http connection to a secured https connection.

There are several reasons for this.  Recent web trends are shifting toward all websites securing themselves as much as possible.  I've read that Google is taking this route, and that future updates of Google will warn users whenever they are accessing an insecure website (e.g., a website which uses a normal http connection).  While it doesn't affect the site's operations one way or another, warnings might look suspect or make users distrust the site on principle.

What does this mean for you as Members?  Nothing, really.  In your browsers, you'll notice that the web address is now https://www.liquidfractal.org..., and a green lock icon will give you security certificate details.  All it means is that the site is what it says it is, and that your data isn't being secretly channeled off elsewhere.

When I first implemented this security, I had problems with some site images rendering.  If you any problems viewing or using the site please let me know.

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ok so I use windows 10 and tried logging in on Edge but I could not post this response or get to dropdown menus for my profile or anything else

so then I tried IE, and it works now but I don't see the images for notifications or private messages on the frontpage

I didnt' have these problems before the https business! nd now I can't use emoticons?!

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Gord Barentsen


chacheng, this is interesting.  I'm posting this response using IE 11 on Windows 7, and I'm not experiencing any of the image issues you're describing.  In fact, IE here is working pretty much like the other browsers.

Given your comments I would suggest using something other than Microsoft browsers to use the site (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi).  I've never seen any issues with those browsers.  Microsoft, on the other hand, has a longstanding tradition of trying to conceive the Internet in its own image, which differs from pretty much the rest of the world. :disgusted:

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Gord Barentsen


Just as a followup: I'm logged in to the site using IE 11 on a Windows 8.1 laptop and have no difficulties viewing icons or dropdown menus.  Maybe it's a Windows 10 thing?

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Personally, I wouldn't bother with either IE or Microsoft Edge.  Microsoft seems to think that their browsers are the best because they're packaged with Windows but everyone else has just left them behind.

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Gord Barentsen


@stimmung79 I couldn't agree more...the only thing worse than Microsoft's browsers is their <ahem> "technical support," which has never once helped me when I've been bashing my head against the wall wondering "why is this happening?"

Every single Windows related problem I've had I've Google-solved.

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Graham Barnett


Hey, if securing the site means less chances of people seeing logins I'm all for it..good on ya:thumbup:

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