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new theme: Chameleon


Just taking this opportunity to introduce a new LiquidFractal site theme: LF_Chameleon!  Please let me know what you think of it here, or in the Suggestions forum.

This theme does require a little more in terms of graphics hardware, given that it's quite image-rich and involved static backgrounds - you might notice a bit of lag if you're using a smaller laptop (like an HP Stream or other low-end portable machine), or a machine that doesn't have dedicated graphics memory.  But for most desktop computers it should be just fine.

Some options are currently available only to Tutor Clients and VIP members: for example, there is a Background Picker that allows you to select your site background image from a series of 6 images.  Click the paintbrush by your name at the top to select your background image.

I really hope you like Chameleon - it's high time we had a change from the default theme!  If you're wondering where the previous SkyBlue default theme went, I had to disable it as it doesn't play nicely with the new collaboration software I'll be talking about soon.


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Recommended Comments

Marjorie Pfennig


Well I liked the blue in the previous theme but this one is much more interesting 0 even if some of the backgrounds can be distracting (i get dizzy looking at the library pillars in between screen fields O.o but I like it!).

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I don't know which one I like more - they're both very pretty! :)

Gord Barentsen


I'm adding a screenshot so people who haven't registered yet know what how snazzy the new theme is ;).




Waitaminute - I can't get to the Chameleon theme.  Am I missing something?



On 6/23/2017 at 2:18 PM, stimmung79 said:

Waitaminute - I can't get to the Chameleon theme.  Am I missing something?

I'd say it's a Members-Only theme, but we're Members and we're obviously left out :|

Gord Barentsen


lol...I actually decided to make it available to everyone, but have recently been dealing with some configuration difficulties in the theme (which have since magically sorted themselves out....no kidding! :S.  I'll get it set up for everyone except Guests in the next day or so.

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