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Gord Barentsen

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Posts posted by Gord Barentsen

  1. Hi Ima,

    I've attached your essay with some edits and comments.  I'll briefly summarise them here with some suggestions for the next version:

    1. Brilliant insight
    2. Another brilliant insight
    3. Yet another brilliant insight

    We can discuss these ideas some more in our next session.

    My Essay-EDITED.docx

  2. About the discussion forums

    The forums are where most of the real work is done between sessions!  Here is where I interact with students between sessions, offering insights and comments which they can access 24/7.  I can also post any useful information I come across which may be relevant to my students' interests or assignments.

    Each forum post consists of a topic; topics which receive several replies become discussion threads, which allow students to dive deep into issues and carry on important discussions which remain in their Space as long as they're a client.  These threads can be used to prepare for written assignments as well as study for oral presentations and final exams.


    How can students use the forums?

    Motivated students can do lots with the forums!  They can:

    • Post questions about ideas arising from tutoring sessions or their English class
    • Post assignments and essay prompts for us to work on between (and during) sessions
    • Post research materials relating to their assignment(s)
    • Carry on detailed discussions to build a sophisticated body of knowledge about an issue

    And much more!

    Check out the sample discussion threads for more information about how the forums can work for you or your student!

  3. @petrichor, I'm so sorry to hear about this.  Where does your friend live?  Now America I hope...unfortunately, that place is a disaster and not getting better anytime soon.

    I wish I could say more, but all I can really do is wish your friend well in these crazy times.  I hope he and his family are all right.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Well, I'm buried under a pile of preparatory reading (as always) for my next writing project.  To be honest, COVID didn't change that much for me - I was an academic shut-in before and that's continued largely unchanged. :$

    It's still a bit strange to see the streets still deserted, even if things seem subliminally geared towards a re-opening (at least that's what the reno work and lights on in storefronts behind locked doors seem to suggest).


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