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Tegan Holmes

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Everything posted by Tegan Holmes

  1. SOrry i haven't been around lately..so I didn't notice downtime. But what is this "significant new feature"?
  2. Well you know Australia has this masculine culture which is centred around alcohol, and I think that it encourages spousal abuse because if you let "your woman" get the upper hand then you lose your status as a male...very stupid. But it's why I'm glad that some bars in cities like Sydney have earlier closing hours.
  3. Hope everyone has a safe and amazing new year!!!

  4. You poor thing...hope it wasn't too bad. My bf and I went to watch fireworks...a few drunkies around but we were surprised at how quiet it was
  5. Id' like this, but I hated that pun...except that I hated it so much I wanted to not like it, but liked the idea of not liking it.
  6. Hi Gord can you fix it so that links open in new windows?
  7. I hope everyone has a great holiday and wonderful New Year!

  8. "Guide to Cooking on your Car Engine".....not such a bad idea for Oz, especially around Christmas!
  9. It's too much to read....... These kind of things I think are supposed to be funny but not make you sit there for 3 mins. reading everything!
  10. ok all in all i like this theme but the words at the bottom of the first page are a bit ugly..the who is online info. But it is nicer than the first one!
  11. good on ya for explaining that! i always thought the quoting thing was a bit of a pain.. and you still have not explained the writing buttons
  12. Hello and welcome :). If you are worried about the world being mad it's probably because not enough people are buying Panda cheese
  13. There's a program on telly here called 20 to 1 that has countdowns of things like biggest internet sensations, funniest rated commercials and so forth. This rated fairly high and it's truly funny...
  14. Tegan Holmes


    I think it looks like a white human figure grasping a white object (i just woke up so don't ask me to be articulate!)
  15. Tegan Holmes


    this looks like either grease or a pane of artsy-craftsy glass with stains on it.
  16. Tegan Holmes


    not much i can say about this pic except i like it!
  17. Pfft...doesn't like Tolkien...>:( lol

  18. Lol @ spelling, especially for a language blog
  19. I agree on this- this isn't the kind of site that should be voting peoples ideas down. But yeah it's a good idea.
  20. well i love zombie movies, and i'd watching literally anything with John Cusack in it so i am sold
  21. hmph
  22. I have no idea how a city like that could be built in the middle of the desert either although the heat and sun would be great!
  23. hi sorry i haven't been around for a while family stuff.. wow I don't think i've ever heard anyone say the Tolkien movies were crap...i've seen them all many times and sometimes i'm too tired to stay up to watch all of them they're never crap. to each their own though
  24. Tegan Holmes


    Hi I am Tegan, i was told about you and this site from another one of the students you tutored (not sure if i should say his name lol)... i like creative writing and reading lots, particularly Tolkien and the Harry Potter saga.
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