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Everything posted by petrichor

  1. good to hear that people are still alive and well after a time away. things here have been better...muy friend's caught COVID and he's afraid that he's given it to his whole family (including his 5 yr-old daughter). He's understandable freaking out right now and at his wit's end because he's been reading about all the symptoms after COVID, what I think some Canadian researchers have begun to call the "long-hauler" conditions.
  2. Oi I have the same problem...can I get in to the P&R forum?
  3. still waiting on this pics!
  4. nothing to view,,,🤔
  5. as someone who thinks nicholas cage is overrated, maybe they didn't "fall" into a pool but were driven to suicide by his terrible acting
  6. that's because he's lazy....lol i'm a friend of his and im here because he recommended i join.
  7. i read somewhere that some scientists now think the test of an animal's consciousness is the ability to lie and deceive.
  8. yeah id lke to know more about the psych. chapter too. is it social psych or something?
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