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Everything posted by stimmung79

  1. Waitaminute - I can't get to the Chameleon theme. Am I missing something?
  2. I like this Dashboard theme but I would like to be able to add my own images too. Or even switch between different images. Not that the beach is bad, but I'd like a change.
  3. I leave for a while and all sorts of things happen! What's this stuff about Economies, Domains, etc? Geez....
  4. haha brilliant indeed!
  5. My background is different and I can't change it. Is this what I get for missing a few days? You're worse than my work!
  6. I was wondering if you had any plans to introduce interest group based on different literary or philosophical figures?
  7. stimmung79

    What the....

  8. Video no longer exists
  9. hahahahaha...I like Cute Gurl 2.0, only because in real life we all know that in real life it's actually Fat Meth Truckie v8.2
  10. I plead the fifth, and acknowledge that I don't live in a country where I can plead the fifth, but anyway I'm not telling
  11. So are there other colour schemes in the works? We get you like blue but it's time to move on mate
  12. It's okay i guess but there are some colour issues that need to get sorted, like the grey text and even the grey widget to the left of this reply window - the one between the window and my avatar. And i believe chacheng is right: sometimes it's a bit of blue overload...but maybe I'll get used to it. I did have to get used to the first theme too.
  13. Personally, I wouldn't bother with either IE or Microsoft Edge. Microsoft seems to think that their browsers are the best because they're packaged with Windows but everyone else has just left them behind.
  14. yeah, it took me a while to get the hang of that. Just remember one thing: try clicking on everything on a screen to see what happens
  15. I think it says that most of life is nothing more than a competition as to who can say it better. A piscine contest, if you will.
  16. stimmung79

    frog salad

    that sounds like it should be an honest to goodness philosophical concept.
  17. Part of me thought the same...until I saw 2012. He should have stayed outside that bedroom window with the boom-box..
  18. Adam Baldwin who played Knowle Rohrer in the X-Files? Google is your friend!
  19. thanks mate...thought it was a browser glitch but it works now.
  20. Hey Gord...for some reason I can't give forums topics a star rating.
  21. And if you want to track your favourite creatures http://www.ocearch.org/
  22. I thought of you Gord when I saw this http://www.theverge.com/2014/8/8/5982507/shark-tracking-camera-that-survived-a-great-white-attack
  23. stimmung79


    Hello, I've known Gord for quite some time now - old York University alum veterans . I am currently absorbed in my personal philosophical readings (Schopenhauer and Nietzsche), working a thankless job and trying to make sense out of a world that seems to be going madder by the year.
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