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  1. chacheng

    Picture 7

    I really like this one but don't really know why! like some alien listening mechanism or something..
  2. Welcome to the site! i will check out your blog when i can (there is no first post yet )
  3. loving my new prezzie book 😀

  4. well? i don't celebrate xmas but was wondering what you all got. my partner and i still xchange gifts so i got a beautiful book on traditional Japanese theater: Traditional Japanese Theater : Karen Brazell : 9780231108720 WWW.BOOKDEPOSITORY.COM Traditional Japanese Theater by Karen Brazell, 9780231108720, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
  5. laugh if you will but I think Daniel Craig is hot 😍 i wasn't too fond of the Bourne series tho. they all seemed pretty much the same formula - guy with no memory chased by CIA while someone on the inside is secretly on his side.
  6. (my reaction!)
  7. What are the "complex processor gatherings"?
  8. i actually really hate superhero movies because they're really boring but i liked Deadpool! 😺
  9. i can't find this Economies thing. and yeah, what's going on?
  10. Got issues? But given what Trump has said of Late I can't disagree.......
  11. hear hear! +1
  12. Yeah i think it;s too blue too..I was taught not to make too much of a single colour in painting
  13. ok so I use windows 10 and tried logging in on Edge but I could not post this response or get to dropdown menus for my profile or anything else so then I tried IE, and it works now but I don't see the images for notifications or private messages on the frontpage I didnt' have these problems before the https business! nd now I can't use emoticons?!
  14. bad night...long story. broke up with my bf
  15. chacheng

    frog salad

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