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Graham Barnett

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Everything posted by Graham Barnett

  1. Good on ya mate....CONGRATULATIONS!
  2. Yeah who can be bothered...but the article is absolutely spot on
  3. nice mate...i'd donate but i'm already paying you
  4. oh but who really uses IE anyway? t'is shite mate and i heard that Avast safezone had all sorts of security problems so i wouldn't go near it!
  5. So can I make my own Space? Those Spaces look really cool, but I didnt see whether or not I could make my own
  6. Mate this is great! I love the reactions...finally something more than just a Like
  7. you need a new avatar mate :Thinkinghmmm:

  8. Oh Internet...this is so going all over you! Especially since I'm at the zoo I'll look for one of these
  9. I love the new theme! More eye candy than the previous ones. Howevr I'm not so sure about some of the background images we have to choose from. can we upload our own?
  10. bet it fairly pissed off some Christians though.
  11. Hey I like the new font anyway But yeah what is this big secret of yours?
  12. You missed lots. While the end of the world hasn't happened yet Trump is still President of the USA, so clearly the zombie apocalypse is in full swing. Of course Sean Spicer, Trump's sputtering, frothing little attack chihuahua, would likely just call it fake news.
  13. This is pretty hilarious.... http://www.somethingawful.com/guides/guide-posting-on/1/
  14. Hey, if securing the site means less chances of people seeing logins I'm all for it..good on ya
  15. I am about to start the official "I hate Donald Trump" thread.  Join for the childrens' sake.

  16. The Disadvantages of Being Dead ahahahaha!! I'd love to have been in some of these rooms while the book idea was being pitched to the publisher!@
  17. I really really like the shade of blue you have here...about all I'd say is that the text is sometimes slightly hard to read. In the original theme all the text is very clear but the colors seemed a bit utilitarian
  18. Yeah but it's a little bit of try-too-hard to me...an attempt to one-up the original...
  19. needs no explanation for you nerdlingers
  20. But he's still both in and not in the box
  21. Between this and Trump America i don't know which zombie apocalypse is worse
  22. please god don't let Trump win....

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