LiquidFractal Public Humanities
The LiquidFractal Public Humanities (PH) initiative aims to create dialogue between academics and culture in general and break down the unproductive barrier separating "ivory tower academia" and thinking people outside the academy.
The ongoing mission is to show that the insights of Arts & Humanities scholarship are important to everyone, and that these ideas can enrich everyday life by giving people with perspectives and possibilities for relating to their experience and knowledge.
Any member of LiquidFractal can post articles here.
NOTE: these are unfinished and in-progress works meant to stimulate discussion, and as such they should not be cited without permission. By reading these articles you assert the moral rights of the author as owner of the content.
If material here is accepted for publication, links to the finished and citable works will be provided next to the writer's name whenever possible. You're encouraged to contact the author for more information.